Sunday, October 22, 2006

Turducken dreams...

Friday night we decided to make the Turducken for today, and invite some people over. I haven't heard a thing from these Docs and I need a little stress reliever, so socializing is good, right?

I look at the box. Easy, just thaw and cook for five hours at 350 F. They even have website, I take it out Saturday morning, start letting it thaw on the counter.

I google Turducken images, sites, I am immersed in side dishes, cooking methods, variations like Osturducken, and Chuckey, and a traditional West African wedding dish that involves a camel, stuffed with a cow, stuffed with a sheep, stuffed with yadda, get the idea. Bascially, I get completely screensucked & distracted

I fail to notice that the Turducken is still rock hard last night. DH and I put it in the fridge, thinking, well, you can't leave it out all night, right? This morning it's still frozen, and I freak and look up the instructions for cooking it from frozen. 8-10 hours at 25o F. Not enough time.

So we have put it into the oven for about 6 hours at 350 F and I'm hoping it will work. We're about 3 hours in at this point, and its at 115 F in the middle.

So why turducken dreams? Because I dreamed that I was pregnant last night. And had a baby, a live one, in some sort of completely unnatural pain free birth. And my DH and I were just hanging out with the baby, in the kitchen. Neighbours started to come over, and asked me how I was. But, I was fine, totally. I'm so over all my neurosis y'know? Easy....

Except that I woke up with a start in a cold sweat, because I realized that in my dream I was about to serve the baby to the neighbours on a platter. Just like Turducken.

You know, the turkey with several smaller birds in it's belly.

Damn, my therapist is gonna have a field day with this one...

Wish me luck, I have to go perform a c-section on a turducken this evening. And try not to lose my mind with all the neighbours watching....


  1. Oh, your therapist is not going to earn his/her money this week--too easy :-)

    I never really thought about the turducken in that way. I became obsessed with the idea of the turducken just because it seems so damn hard to make. And, yes, I was going to make it! AND I'm squeamish about touching raw meat.

    But it is a little bird inside a bigger bird...

  2. Oh my, maybe stick to spaghetti for a while...
