Thursday, July 19, 2007


I'm not around this week because I was madly trying to get some errands done and help my friend with taking care of her house and dog while she's dealing with her sick kid.

And this weekend we are in Montreal.

Sort of a vacation and sort of not one. We have a nice hotel room but Mr.Cotta's off to meet someone for work and we've spent most of the day at the National Swim championships watching the competitions. (Someone in our family is competing.) Anyway, I am sunburnt and exhausted and am about to take a nap, while my kids are swimming in the hotel pool with my BIL taking care of them.

And yes, you'd think we might've missed the delivery of our Harry Potter books, but noooo, haha! When I figured out that we weren't going to be in our city, I cancelled our local delivery order and ordered two for pickup here at Indigo downtown. And yes, Kaz and I stayed up 'til midnight and lined up to get ours. It was really fun, and of course we tried to stay up reading, but couldn't make it past the first eighty pages.

I'm somewhere near 200 now and I'm afraid to read the news because I don't want it to be spoiled!

Have to go now, kids are calling. So much for naps...


  1. I'm still fuming at the reaction (or better said: lack of reaction) you're getting from the camp. Aaaaargh!

    As for Master Potter, I haven't been pulled in just yet, though I did see the hardcovers (the entire series, no less -- minus the new one) at Costco for a good price and contemplated it for an inordinate amount of time. I've seen a few of the movies -- on TV or in airplanes -- and really enjoy them, so perhaps I'll have to go back to Costco....

  2. I haven't read a Potter book or seen any of the movies so it is foreign yet to me. Sounds like you are having a good but exhausting time there. Hopefully you will get some rest between chapters.

  3. I finished mine last night! And I'm dying for someone else to finish as well. My husband claims he's going to read it slowly, which is going to drive me crazy.

  4. I'll bet that was a very exciting adventure for Kaz! Much more thrilling than having it just arrive in the mail! He will remember the fun of that forever, I'm sure!

    I know nothing so I can't/won't ruin anything!!
