Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Heeereee eggy eggy eggy

Yes, I sincerely believe that an egg may have decided to show up in my abdomen. Since this cycle I'm not being monitored, and I ran out of OPKs before they blipped their line, I have no scientific proof.

But I have spinnbarkheit dammit!

Or at least I did yesterday. Unfortunately, the husband of the year had to work late and could not come home quick enough to take advantage of this state until late last night, so here's hoping we didn't miss it as it rolled around in the barnyard wreckage that is my abdomen. Just in case, we're playing another little game of farmer and chicken this morning.

I'll start prometrium intravaginally in a few days, baby aspirin, and taking large awful vitamins again. This cycle I won't be able to do subcutaneous micro-hcg shots (1000 IU/Day, or 3,000 IU every 3 days, depending on the cycle), so I can use one of those awful early stick tests if I want. I can start the hcg shots if I want later on (if I get a positive, yeah right,*rolls eyes*).

So 'scuse me now, I have to go ummm, catch something...hehe


  1. I am thinking of you. Just informed by husband of the next predicted fertile dates. So I told him he better be nice and excited those days, all 3 of'em damn it.

  2. Hope you're busy and the game goes into overtime!

  3. Thinking of you and hoping you made good use of the spinnbarkheit and egg. I've got my fingers crossed.
