Friday, March 06, 2009

Marvelon not so fucking marvelous

Broke down last night convinced everything was shit, and cried all night. My husband clueless----I decided to google all the medication I was on.

Guess what? Marvelon, my new birth control pill is reputed to cause hormonal hell and depression and other nasty side effects more than other birth control pills. Lovely. I knew I was feeling odd but I figured that as long as the bleeding stopped, I should not complain. I am trying a different pill as of today, one with another type of progesterone, a type I have had before and don't remember causing me to become a psycho.

Dr.Google saves the day again.

Now if I can just hold off the pit of despair while my body switches onto the new one.....

Hanging on for dear life here.....


  1. AHA! You've just solved a big one for me too. Marvelon is the BCP that our FC puts us on at the beginning of an IVF cycle. (acronym much?) I could never figure out why the BCP was fucking me up so badly and just summed it up to being emotional about cycling. But now my good friend Aurelia sheds some light on it.

    I know a few gals who have cycled on Marvelon who had some nasty, nasty side effects too!

    I hope a new pill is your cure and you're feeling better soon!

    1. Does any one recomend not to use marvelon birthcontroll cause my doctor recomended it to me

    2. I took it and got it extremely bad. My friend is on it and shes doing fine. No one will react the same i guess

    3. hey there people. i have recently had to start taking birth control. i used to use tri cyclin lo ( in high school years ago) had to stop cuz it was causing minor issue. so 2 months ago i was given the generic brand Apri. i took it a month and hated it because i had the same symptoms as if i were to be pregnant.. just sick n tired and slightly moody all the time. figured because there were fillers n such in it i would be better of with the actual name brand Marvelon. Well! been on it 1 month and 4 days. tomorrow will be my first day without it! I am usually a happy go lucky care free bubbly lady, not with these miserable lil bastards no way hosay! For no dam reason at all i started getting just disgustingly sad n depressed and would break down a cry my eyes out ( and im not much of a cryer) anywho on top of that anxiety attacks.. outta nowhere!! just making my life and the peoples around me prettyb miserable, oh ya! and my mind is just scattered all the heck outt bounds. like completley just caput!. No dam Fun. none whatsoever! I have decide to go with the Nova-T IUD ( this is the copper one that does not contain hormones! itsabout $180 dollars here in Nova Scotia, Canada can be used for up to 5 year which works out to $3can. a month compared to about $28 that i pay for marvelon. bth have the same effectiveness!!
      I will do my best to keep this site posted about the iud! I apologize for the terrible spelling, its late im tired and ive got marelon mind! blah

    4. What I am about to tell you about MY personal experience with Mirvala 28 (basically, the cheaper sister brand to Marvelon) is super embarrassing. I've only been on it for just over a week now and everything started out fine. The first week was a cakewalk. No side effects whatsoever. BUT, starting this past weekend I started to notice a couple of things. I was getting MAJOR indigestion which later lead to diarrhea (I haven't pooped so much IN MY ENTIRE 25 YEARS ON THIS PLANET as I have in the last two days--probably too much info, but I'm just trying to be honest here.), acne break outs which are extremely rare for me and just general feelings of discomfort. I had tried two other brands of birth control prior to this and never had any problems other than breakthrough bleeding but that could have been because before birth control I had an insanely heavy period (let's just say I'd have to wear three extra long maxi pads AND a tampon and often times that still wasn't enough -_-). Anyway, long story short, my gyno recommended Marvelon, which I later discovered is insanely overpriced even with my medical plan from work covering half the cost so I went for Mirvala because the pharmacist told me they're basically the same thing. Now I am stuck with a three month prescription until my next gyno appointment which isn't for another month or so and I feel like if I shit anymore, my brains will fall out of my butt lol. God, I hate being a woman sometimes.

    5. I have been on marvelon for many years. I had mood problems before I started taking it and I still have mood problems. Wondering if I should get off the pill to see what my normal hormone free mood would be like.

      I have severe anger issues. I will snap if you so much as look at me the wrong way. I generally have a nice demeanor but watch out lol. This anger is fairly new...wondering if it has to do with the marvelon.

      In all other areas marvelon has been wonderful. Skin is very clear. Used to get bad acNE. Periods are regular and EXTREMELY light. Can't even soak up a regular tampon on my heaviest day. And the whole period lasts 3 days max. So I thank marvelon for this. I also barely get cramps...I get just enough to let me know my period is coming but not enough to warrant taking an advil.

      I also have never gotten pregnant so that's good! Hehe

      Wondering if I should get off it as my anger is quite a problem. But wondering if the effects of getting off it will be unbearable. Thoughts? What have you guys experienced if you've ever gotten off BC after taking it consistently for 8 years.

    6. Feels like you are writing a story of my life. Everything exactly same here. It's been 3 years since you wrote a comment. I'm wondering if you were able to check how life is after quitting Marvelon. Did you mood improved? Right now I'm on my 6th year. Still super emotional, anxious from time to time (I think I was always like that) but not sure if it got worse. Really hoping to hear from you!

  2. Yikes. Good for you for your successful sleuthing! Hang in there. Sounds like the insanity Clomid induces.

    Hope you get back on track ASAP w/ the new pill.

  3. My tweets are my opinion as a taxpayer, and I have the right to say whatever I want, whenever I want.

  4. OMG just what you didn't need. I dumped Cerazette because I thought it was making me depressed (it certainly contributed to depression by completely killing my libido).

    I hope the new one is better for you.

  5. This explains so much. As I sit here, in one of the depressed moods I have been in for a long time, I wonder if maybe the marvelon isn't so marvelous for me, either.

  6. See how I got knocked up my dear! I had soooo much trouble, switched no less than three times so I hope you do better than me! The fricking pill!!!


  7. Hormones, you've got to love em.

  8. i just went on marvelon 8 days ago and since ive had lots of nausea, breaking out in big red under the skin pimples and worse of all feeling drained, tired and mooodddy....this is my first type of birth control thagt i have tried...should i try a new kind??? whats a good pill??

    1. It was like that for me at first, but trust me it gets better, ive been on it for 8 months and i no longer have zits, my dark and red spots are gone, i gained a little weight...

  9. Anon, I have no idea which one would be good for you, but Marvelon has a certain type of progesterone that is slightly different than the usual progesterone in birth control pills, and if it really isn't working for you, then go to your doctor and ask for a different one, with a different progesterone. I know that some women love Marvelon, but it was awful for me. I've been on several different ones over the years and none of them ever did that to me.

    Don't wait a whole month, if you feel lousy, call your doctor now!

  10. HELP i have just started a new pack of Marvelon and hate everyone and everything since!! Only been on it for about 10 days!!!!

  11. so so so glad ive found so many of these reviews on this bloody pill!! Since starting taking this pill in october 2009 ive turned into this moody, needy, negative, cry-all-the-time, monster. I thought I was going nuts. Then thought maybe i was suffering with depression...but nothing has happened to make me feel that way. Anyway, this morning my boyfriend and I had an almighty argument which very nearly caused the relationship to come to an end. So im sat there wondering what the hell is wrong with me when I decided to google Marvelon just to see....and what do i find? A load of people just like me! Not that I wish how i feel on you all but THANK GOD! Im not going nuts after all!!! Am off to the clinic on Friday to change my pill and hope to god the next method doesnt continue to make me a complete hormonal wreck!

    1. I've just finished my first cycle of Marvelon and have been everything but nice.....completely unbelievably moody.This explains alot.

  12. this pill just cost me the best relationship i ever had...i went from the happiest woman on the planet to a psychotic screaming wreck. my boyfriend just couldnt stand any more. im mortified that i realised what was causing this way too late..i also have 12 lbs to loose i was only on this pill for three monts it ruined my life

    1. For the record, to anyone who happens to read this/go through something similar, it can't possibly be that great of relationship if he wasn't good enough to stick around and be there for you during a period of life that was harder on -you- than him. If someone can't be compassionate and understand that something is situational and that you're working on it, they aren't worth it.

      I can't see myself taking off if the person I love was going through a medication-induced hell, I would want to be there to support and help them. You ladies deserve -better-.

  13. Just started back on this pill three weeks ago to control my periods as I had just started a new job and also for birth control as a single dating woman. Damn three weeks later I have broken down crying at least twice a week and even worse today almost broke down in public on a train. I am stopping this 'pill' right now, before I turn into a paranoid, stressed out wreck!

  14. Hi, I am taking Marvelon and have been for about five months to regulate intermenstrual bleeding. My wedding was in May so I wanted to sort things out so we could enjoy the honeymoon! Ever since I started taking it I was having panicky thoughts and crying all the time and my doctor prescribed me citalopram for anxiety putting it down to wedding stress. However, I felt fine about everything before I switched pill. I thought I had depression or was going mad but am now starting to wonder if it is the Marvelon affecting my emotions. It has helped the bleeding but I seem to go through monthly phases (the first week after the seven day break) where I have a horrible clenching feeling in my gut as though something bad is going to happen or I am trapped and need to escape. Then it seems to go away again and I think maybe I was imagining it.I have been on the pill for 12 years and only started having bleeding probs 2-3 years ago. I wonder whether I should come off altogether but don't feel ready to start a family yet. Any similar experiences or thoughts?

  15. In about 2003 I began to have depression on and off for a couple of years, with no real reason for it. I couldn't even get out of bed some days, and stepping out of the door was terrifying. I remember even welling up in public at times because I just wouldn't be able to keep the saddness in until I got home. This was back when I was at uni and today while sorting through some things I found some diaries from then. I began reading through one of them when I found an entry saying 'went to the doc today to try and get the pill for my skin, she won't put me back on dianette so suggested Marvelon.'
    I had forgotten that I had gone on the pill at that time and it was around the time that I began to get depressed. I couldn't believe that the two things had never connected in my mind. I guess I assumed that the doctor who I went to later to talk to about my depression would have asked me about the pill, instead of putting me on anti-depressants. I think I must have taken Marvelon on and off and looking back now and reading other comments there is no doubt in my mind that Marvelon contributed to my anxiety and depression, and I feel let down that out of three doctors that I spoke to at the time, none suggested changing which pill I was on.

  16. This is by far the worst birth control pill in the world. You feel like shit every day and everything you think about feels like it's the end of the world. I can't wait to get off this pill!!!

    1. wow i have been feeling shitty ever since i was on in. Is it normal to bleed if you accidently skip a pill? and i have been feeling shitty and emotional and mad all the time, it sucks but im getting the permanent coil done soon so this is what my doc perscribed!

  17. oh my word.i just got my pack of Marvelon, and reading all these reviews r really scarying me.the side-effects of the weight gain and mood swings r a real concern.

  18. Marvelon not so marvelous...I'm 29 I have been on various pills for 13 years, started on femodene, then dianette to help skin then on to microgynon for last few years. I decided 6 months ago to have a break from the pill as my sex drive had dissapeared, guess what, I got my libido back! been using condoms since then but the worry of getting pregnant was the only reason I decided to go back to GP. I still get slight outbreaks around my cycle nothing serious though but she recommended Marvelon. Been on it 5 days, have had headaches, broke down crying twice for no real reason and my skin is the worst its ever been, angry red spots on my chest back, neck, not good especially as I'm getting married in 3 months!!!Have stopped taking the pill today, I know it might take time for things to settle down but this is not the right time to persist! Hopefully my skin will clear up soon!

  19. i can relate to all the above comments, googled marvelon yesterday only to finds this thread which confirmed to me i was not going mad and it was this evil pill. i have been on it 5 days, felt sick,very tired and lethargic and like a complete she devil....hated everyone and everything in sight, shouting and screaming at people i love and felt like my heart was pounding and stressed to the limit , crying for no reason....obvious to me we should not be putting these synthetic hormones into our bodies.
    tried mirena coil ( hair started shedding a lot put weight on)
    ovranette (extreemy high sex drive but anxiety, spots and weight gain to boot)
    femodete and femodene caused mega headaches on 7 day break.

    basicly all the same crap in different forms....ill be sticking to au naturelle thanks, id rather have my sanity.

    been off it 3 days and im comeing back to my old self... NEVER AGAIN

  20. Has anyone had a good experience with marvelon? I've always had really good skin.. then went on yasmin for about 1 and a half years when i had a bf.. decided to go off the pill at the start of the year - and now my skin is horrible! went back to the doctors yesterday and discussed how i wanted to go back on the pill to clear up my skin.. but yasmin is a bit expensive so the doctor wrote me a prescription for marvelon.
    been reading reviews on it.. i dont want to put on weight or get really moody! just wondering if there's anyone out there who thinks marvelon is good!?
    or can recommend another pill thats not too expensive with little side effects!

    1. allesse 21 or avian 21

    2. everyone is different. I wouldn't count it out right away. Yasmin, the pill you used to be on has the worst reviews in history biggest reason I didn't want to try it.. but you say it worked great for you! So, I'd take all these reviews with a grain of salt. Each pill is different and uses different drugs. Like with my PCOS Alesse is not a good pill to go on for PCOS because it's high in androgenicity. Anyway, it all depends on your body

    3. I have been on Marvelon for 5 years now and haven't had a problem with it! Tried tri-cyclen low first and it was terrible... but I have been perfectly content with Marvelon! No weight gain, no mood swings, face is clear! Everyone is different so I'd wait and see how it works for you.

    4. I've been on Marvelon for about a year and a half now and it's been great! I always have had problems with acne, but it's cleared up since being on Marvelon. Also, I rarely get even a hint of a cramp, and weight gain was very minimal (5lbs, and could be attributed to other factors in my life). I, like the anonymous comment above, also had a terrible experience with tri-cyclen lo, yet I have friends who absolutely swear by it.
      Like others have said already, every person reacts differently to different types of meds, so don't be scared off by all of the negative comments about Marvelon! It might just be the right one for you, and you'll never know until you try.

    5. Personally I've been on Marvelon for a month and a bit - at first my mom said she noticed that I was more calm and patient, which is always good BUT I've become much more depressed and suicidal. For the past few days I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with me and why I feel like I'm so crazy but I'm feeling like this might be the reason...

  21. I've been on marvelon for about 2 weeks now, I feel fine. My skin has gotten a bit worse at first, but it is clearing up now. My sex drive has even increased! I was on tri-cylen low at first and it was horrible, I was freaking out for no reason/crying all the time.


  23. Thank you all soooooo much for posting all your replies. I've been feeling absolutely crazy lately-- the tiniest mishaps would make me fly off the handle, cry uncontrollably, and I couldn't just let things go. I've been causing stupid unnecessary fights with my boyfriend and just generally have been super negative. I'm definitely going to call my doctor tomorrow and get on a new pill. Fingers crossed!

  24. I recently have become so depressed and anxious that I cannot even bare to sleep at night. I'm ruining my current relationship and have never felt so disgusting in my life.

    I'm through with marvelon and possibly birth control all together. It's not worth hating the world and treating those I love like complete garbage.

  25. I am doing research on my girlfriend's symptoms, cause we are having A LOT of unnecessary fights lately and she is also having other problems like virginal contractions and had spotting today (in the middle of her cycle), Tiredness moaning and groaning etc... She went for tests at the hospital and all was fine!!! Also consulted three doctors and not one of them could help her (NO COMMENT).

    So I decided to do the research myself on the symptoms she experience. I came across a condition called 'Candida' (not very common amongst the norm)and thought this might be the problem, but after more digging I came across the side effects of Marvelon. And guess what, that was the real reason for all!!! She went off and all good after 7 days... To be honest, I would rather have a healthy relationship than a bad sex life ! ! !

    GET OFF THIS DAMN PILL OR ANY BIRTH CONTROL PILL FOR THAT MATTER!!! It's not natural to keep the body think you are already pregnant!!! ...and just for the record, she was on other pills too and all of them had fucked up side effects.

    See this link:

    Hope this helped all you ladies out there that's on the pill, especially Marvelon...

  26. Can anyone help me, I feel like I'm going mad. I kept getting overly upset over nothing. My boyfriend can win when in that emotional state. I go mad what ever he decides. I look back at messages I've sent him when I have calmed down and don't even know why I put the horrible stuff. It's uke it's a blur. Is it my pill or am I actually going insane. X

  27. I think it is this pill, so crazy feel unhappy in work and unfulfilled, didnt think a HUGE part of this could be Marvelon. bleedin heck. What pills have worked after taking marvelon, which ones tend to be good for emotions and well-being?

  28. been on marvelon for 14 days now and i haven't stopped bleeding yet
    im so angry and upset over it
    i just wish i'd never asked for the pill it's getting worse and worse and no wonder why i feel like i haven't lost any weight the last two weeks because this stupid pill is making me gain it
    going to my doctor asap , any one ever been on a pill without these nasty side effects ?
    is there anything anyone can suggest ?

    1. you need to wait atleast 2 - 3 months for the pill to be active in your body and normalize everything yea, you'll be protected from having babies but your hormones don't level out in the first 2 weeks takes about 2- 3 months u gotta give em A CHANCE

  29. Have anyone of you guys gain weight with Marvelon, or struggle to loose weight?

  30. I actually gained weight after going off Marvelon.

  31. I've been on Marvelon for over 3 years now to regulate my labour pain cramps, bleeding and bad acne. I take it continuously for 10-12 months, then have a week break. I have not experienced any weight gain, depression, moodiness or any of the above mentioned side effects. In fact I feel more calm, healthy and emotionally balanced. I used to have very bad acne before and now I've had great clear skin since Marvelon. So I guess each person hadles it differently or perhaps because I take it every day for months it is more regularly in my system. Hope you guys find something that works for you. Take care:

  32. This has been really interesting to read.

    I stopped taking Marvelon over two years ago, and ever since I get outbreaks of spots on my neck, back and shoulders. Sometimes the outbreaks are slight, but at other times they are really bad. It's particularly annoying as I used to have good skin, but I guess my hormones still haven't never got back into their previous state. But I hope someday they will.

    Oh, and I also found that my libido dropped dramatically when I took Marvelon (I used to joke that that was how it worked, as it put women off sex!) I felt down in the dumps frequently too.

    So yeah, I certainly wouldn't recommend it.

  33. Marvelon is the only pill that does any good for me. All the other pills I have been on caused me to have two periods every other month and an early period on the months in between. Aside from a mild weight gain (I was too skinny before, so I welcome it, but I still miss my old clothes), I have had no negative side effects from Marvelon whatsoever.

  34. Hi! I used to take BC pills when I was younger but never remembered them, so I tried depo provera injection only to spot bleed for the entire 3 months. So I stopped all together. Then when I was 19 I was suggested the Nuva ring, BEST BC ever! 3 weeks in, 1 out, repeat. NO weight gain, mood swings, depression and NO acne. Then last year at 21 I got in a horrific accident and haven't been on since, THEN two months ago I find out I have a 4inch cyst on my ovary and the gynecologist recommended trying the pill marvelon because it's different than others and thought it would shrink the cyst, within two weeks my skin looked like I had gone through puberty all over, horrible, painful bruise like red bumps, and they started happening on my neck the third week. I gained 10lbs almost instantly which blew my mind. I also had severe headaches and insomnia. My actual doctor switched me off them back to the Nuva ring because of those things, and within 3 days my skin started to clear, I could sleep, wasn't moody and my headaches were non existent. She told me that marvelon is her LAST choice BC pill to put her patients on because of nasty side effects. It's crazy how bad this brand of BC was. I HIGHLY recommend the Nuva ring to anyone, espec if you want little to no side effects. In a recent study my dr. Also told me that the Nuva ring ranked highest in pregnancy prevention and low side effects.

  35. Ive been on marvelon for a year and its been great for me: my skin has improved, periods are much shorter and less painful, and my pmdd is less severe too.

    Marvelon is the only pill ive tried that hasnt made my depression and anxiety worse, so works for some people.

  36. Wow, thank you so so much to every single one of you who posted a comment on Marvelon. I have only used it for four days and I started realising that I am much more emotional and sensitive than usual, more exhausted and no sex drive! I also had a huge appetite and my bladder feels swollen.
    I now only realise how badly these hormones from contraceptives can ruin ones life and how the depression and anxiety I experienced earlier on in my life has been during times I was on the pil. Now, I will ONLY use condoms - AND I TAKE MY HAT OFF to the guy who did research on Marvelon and the pil in general to see how he could help his girlfriend - you must really love her - thats awesome!

  37. i started to take mavelon last week and up untill yesturday i was fine apart from getting more spots.
    yesturday though i started feel as though i was having a panick attack and the feeling just wont give. as anyone else experianced this feeling please let me know .

    1. Yeah, I feel 'trapped' and 'emotionless'...not sure if this is a sympton. =S

    2. I was so pleased when I saw this post. So many of the other symptoms I also have, depressed feelings, crying, moody, overly sensitive, but also totally 'emotionless' at the same time. I could not ask for a better boyfriend but lately I have felt a real lack of emotion around him and it's making no sense at all, then I get so upset over how I'm feeling and burst out crying. I just have this horrible low that I can't even describe, and break out crying. I literally started taking Marvelon 10 days ago, and I've been trying to understand why I've been feeling the way I have. My boyfriend keeps asking what's wrong with me. I've been trying so much to figure it out in my head and yesterday I said to him I was feeling like I wanted to run away on some days, and then I said my feelings didn't feel strong towards him, and I've been racking my brains because he is an amazing person and I would be a fool to ever walk away, but over the past week, I've tried to figure it all out and put my feelings down to us not being right, but i do adore him AND i KNOW i DO AND i JSUT HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO FIGURE ANY OF IT OUT, i'VE BEEN THINKING i HAVE BEEN LOSING THE PLOT. (caps lock by accident). I am so pleased I came across this blog. Today when I was crying in the shower for no reason I just thought, right I need to look into my pill, and then came across this, and it's so many of the symptoms I feel. Does anyone else have a sense of being emotionless at all?

  38. i've only been taking marvelon for a month and everything literally went to shit. thank god i'm not alone in this hell hole. no sex drive. my moods are out of effing control, my hair was falling out. put on at least 10lbs. for the love of god don't take this pill. unless of course you'd like to ruin your own life. condoms allll the way.

  39. I started taking this pill around 20 days ago, and I've been on a 'period' for about 14 of them. other than that my skin etc has been fine. How long should this bleeding go on, before i get into the regular pattern/have to go back to my doctor?

  40. Like many people here I would really like to say a massive thank you for posting your comments. My doctor put me on Marvelon after I tried Ovranette and found it killed my libido. I've been on it for 3 months and now not only have no libido but cant stop crying and feel like a psycho. Its affecting my work and my relationship with my boyfriend. I can't stop crying, often am not sure why I'm even crying and I have insomnia, often waking in a panic. I went to see the doctor who was somewhat surprised and has prescribed Yasmin instead. I've 4 pills left of Marvelon before I can switch and am praying it will fix this.

  41. Went on Marvelon about two months ago, after a long conversation with the nurse about how worried I was about hormonal effects. She assured me that Marvelon was one of the mildest and that it would be fine. First pack, great. Skin stayed clear, boobs went up a cup size (am tiny, so WIN!) but on day 2 of my pill free week, the headache started. Five weeks later, I still have it. Returned to the doc who put me on anti-inflamatries, said that it was unlikely to be the pill, and gave me Valium to calm me down (had become weeping useless headachey wreck. After doing some research I registered with another doctor who was horrified to see that I'd been put on Marvelon (she says she hasn't prescribed it for YEARS) and with my history of headaches I should never have been put on it. And the anti-inflamatries were probably making my headaches worse because I'd been on them so long. Now two days into a complete drug wash out. Yesterday was hell, but today my headache is easing and I don't feel tearful. It's going to take me a little while to get back to normal, but I would urge anyone with negative effects from contraception to seek a second opinion if the doc you see is the doc who put you on it. Now considering an implant.

  42. I just started Marvelon (this is day 4) and I'm really nauseous. After reading the comments here, I'm going to start charting my reactions and side effects on a calendar. I've also read pretty much off of the posts out loud to my husband, so we can both watch out for the crazy that seems to come along with this pill.

    I'm on marvelon for 36 days straight as part of my IVF prep, and I'm curious to see if the side effects will be cumulative and build up the longer I take it, or if my body will adjust. I'm a bit freaked out, since many of the posters here haven't adjusted to it even after several months. Eeek! And I thought the injections were what was going to have to be concerned about!

    I'll keep you updated on how it goes, in case there are any other IVF candidates out there who are taking this for more than 21 days straight. Take it all witha grain of salt though, as your body may react entirely differently, of course.

    1. Hello,
      I was described this for ivf as well, total of 31's day 5 and I am experiencing awful side effects. Dizzy to the point when I stand straight I slightly rock side to side, feels like my whole head is full or fuzzy and very light headed :(
      How did your time on marvelon turn out? Hope you had a successful ivf cycle!!

  43. Thank you for posting everyone. Your post have made me feel less alone, less crazy, and less desperate. I took Marvelon for almost 8 years when I was younger and never really put two and two together. But I have been off birth control for a few years now and have been obliged to start again (I really didn't want to, probably because subconsciously I knew what it was doing to me) because I have symptoms of endometriosis.

    Even after only two weeks on Marvelon, I feel terrible. I feel like I am being poisoned by hormones. Everything seems black. Two weeks ago, I loved my life, my boyfriend, and my work. Now I am exhausted, seriously depressed (lying in bed staring at ceiling), I can't exercise (and I am an athlete). I hate everything. My sex drive went from full-on to zero in a week. I cry for no reason. I took a pill this morning and I have already cried 4 times today.

    My boyfriend has been so puzzled and constantly asking 'what is wrong with you'. And I was like, "I don't know what is wrong with me, ok?" is it the weather? stress at work? I was searching for answers. But it was right under my nose. I googled Marvelon side effets this morning and now I know what I feel so strange and awful.

    Having painful endometriosis is better than feeling like there is joy left in life. I am stopping these pills today.

    1. superdupergirl@hotmail.comApril 15, 2012 1:58 pm

      oh my god this makes shocking reading. Iam also an athlete and have experienced all the above side effects. I also have two young children and have been praying for bedtime since waking up everyday. the depression and nausea have been the worst as i have never felt so fucking low in my entire fucking life and i have put weight on to boot. Eating is the only way to stop the sickness. FUCKING AWFUL SHITTY PILL FUCK OFF!!!! Sorry ladies for the language but Im at my wits end and thank you for sharing youe experiences!!!

  44. I have been on Marvelon for two weeks and over christmas I was feeling panicky, anxious and had a headache several times (I never get headaches!), thought I was going mad, but it is really good to read all these posts. I am seeing the doctor tomorrow and will hopefully come straight off marlvelon!

  45. hello evryone, thank you foe all your posts..that was very helpful. Ive taken marvelon for 6 months. I am already a moody person, but i just realized that marvelon increased my mood swings, i became irritable, more emotional and lately ive been feeling anxious for no reason!!! and yes, my skin got worse, i started having weird acne on my buttocks!!! this wasnt the case the 1st 2 just got worse gradually! Im supposed to begin the next pack tonight but i just decided not to...I have a question for those of you who stopped it and didnt take any other pill..did you have any side effects after stopping? anyway ill see my dr in a week. thanks all and happy new Year wherever you are

  46. Wow! I'm 51 yo and was put on this drug to stop the bleeding. Well after 8 days I had increasing abdominal pain so bad that I was in tears, was only sleeping four hours and gained 5 lbs . My friend suggested stopping it and the pain disappeared the next day. I would rather flood than go through that again.

  47. I've only started this pill, i'm still in my teens and it's completely draining me. I cannot sit in school lessons without falling asleep or feeling emotionally haunted by problems and tiredness. Feeling as if i'm about to break down. I've been on a number of pills for three years and they have made made me put on 2 stone so i thought this would be better. If i change pill which would you encourage and why?

  48. I have just started Marvelon as well for the beginning of an IVF cycle. I started taking them last Tuesday and by Friday was so sick. I was sick to my stomach and have been so tired, wanting to sleep 12 hours a day. I just dont feel right. I have been reading some of the other posts and it is nice to know I am not alone. Good thing I only have to take these pills for another week!!!

  49. I started taking this pill about 3 weeks ago and have since been getting big red spots on my back, chest and around my mouth (I NEVER get this usually, I feel gross), mood swings and a plunge in sex drive. I'm hoping it's just my body's way of adjusting and soon things might settle down and go back to normal. Fingers crossed...

  50. I've been on this pill now for two cycles after trying cerazette and experiencing constant bleeding. I have experienced an drastic weight gain, and it's pretty much impossible to lose it. I'm bigger than i ever have been in my life. I am constantly covered in spots on my face and i have spots over my boobs and shoulders too, before i took the pill i would only tend to get spots the week before my period. My moods are constantly swinging from one extreme to the other and my period pains have gotten so much worse! I don't know whether i should continue to take it for another cycle or just stop altogether. Im currently living in Germany so switching pill will be a mini nightmare for me to do! Any suggestions?

    1. While I dont have suggestions, I have been on Marvelon for 3 cycles and have experienced DRASTIC weight gain myself. 30lbs!!! (I was 118 prior) Thats nothing to sneeze at. Every day its more acne, less sex drive and if i smell food i gain more weight. I CANT seem to lose the weight at all so I'm stopping Marvelon and then trying to shed the weight. Did you ever manage to lose it? Hope so

  51. I was ok with this but am coming off pills all together as they all eventually give you the side effect of depression. I'm going to see if my mood changes once I'm off and report back!

  52. My doctor wrote me a prescription for Marvelon last month to help me with PMS. Mother of God, I'll do the time for potentially killing someone in a PMS rage rather than subject myself to the Hell that accompanies ingesting Marvelon! My cycle has always been regular, so much so that I could almost pinpoint the time of day it would start and stop. Since I started taking Marvelon I've been a human chumline...bleeding for 11 days in a row, as opposed to 5 previously. And, to make matters worse, it's not tapering off, I swear it's getting worse! I've never had such heavy bleeding, it's horrific. No chance of me getting pregnant for sure, if my boyfriend were to decide to throw caution to the wind and come anywhere near me, it would look like a human sacrifice! Don't even get me started on the crying jags, leg cramps and bloating. Christ, I don't know why anyone would even want to have sex with me, I'm such a freakin treat.

    1. I also have the same problem - i usually have my menstration for 5 days. After taking 4 days of Marvelon, my bleeding prolonged and today already 8 days. I stopped taking and decided to give up. Headache and mood swing all came by.

  53. I have PCOS, always had irregular period. No period for the last 2 months. So dr prescribed me Marvelon for 7 days to bring on the period. My 7 day ended on the 19th. For the last two days I have been experiencing severe headache, with no indication of period. After reading this site, I found that headache is common with this medicine. Did anybody take it to bring on period? Does this really help?

  54. I started taking marvelon about a year ago and experienced no side effects from it. I then stopped taking it for about 3 months and then recently when i started taking it again I got all the side effects i had never got before, i have gained weight like a mother fucker, my boobs have been sooooooo sore for the last 2 weeks - they are so tender it hurts to run and even touch them!!! it has made me feel nauseous quite a lot and very emotional. i also feel like shit now i cannot fit into a dress i was meant to wear for a party that i could wear pre-marvelon taking time.

    so long marvelon...not so marvelous anymore!!

  55. Oh, I dont know if I should try or not. Just get married but not ready for baby. How can I do?

  56. Many of you may be interested in a book called "Taking Charge of your Fertility" ! It really helped me to get to know my own body and cycles...better than any Dr. ever has ! It can prove very helpful for pregnancy or prevention of !

    Wishing you all Health & Happy trails.

  57. By the way, I started Marvy a month ago & I'm up researching it because I couldn't sleep and I have a headache again ....Hmmmmm !

  58. I am on my 3rd pack and hav had the worst headache for a month now and I have spots which I have not had in 15years my doc put me on this one to help with my PCOS an I could murder someone lol I am going to docs tomo to change pill why hav it on the market if it is so bad get rid I say good luck everyone I'm thinking get him the snip save us women the trouble lol

  59. 3 rd day on Marvelon 21, I'm an emotional wreck, loopiness, in a daze, fatigue, bloated,and experiencing excruciating headaches. Was prescribed to control spotting and to control discomfort of a small cyst. Rather live with pain and spotting than have my kids see and deal with my overexaggerated moodiness. I have tried so many kinds in my early 20's and all had same, horrible side effects(had to stop), 18 yrs later and I hate them even more. I will never take another birth control pill ever again. EVER!

  60. Marvelon has being absolutly brilliant for me... Have been taking it for 4 years straight now and with no issues or side effects... So it does work for some people! :)

  61. My fiancee is on Marvelon.
    I have to be honest it is terrible! She gets depressed, her sexual drive has gone completely, she is totally irrational, screams at me then is ove rher rant in minutes...
    I've tried gently to say could it be the hormonal changes the pill is producing, (to which depending on the cycle) I get abused or told how nice I am of thinking of her??
    Ladies, final caution..Do NOT, I repeat do NOT skip your period on this pill. The emotional roller coaster it produces has nearly broken what is a great relationship up a few time now. WOW! Very scary! Horrible dreams, moody, depressed, poor sleep..Any of these sound familiar?
    I am suggesting she see's her Gp again..As it is not working well!

  62. I haven't even been taking Marvelon for a full month yet, and I have been an emotional wreck. One small little thing goes wrong, and I am crying like crazy. I feel so depressed and sad all the time. Reading these comments helped me realize that Marvelon is the reason for my recent depression. I wouldn't advise ANY ONE to EVER take this pill, unless you want to be put through an emotional HELL.

  63. Every since I started taking Marvelon I've been such a mess. I can't stop crying and everything seems like the end of the world. I feel so depressed and unhappy, I DO NOT recommend this pill... It's awful.

    I've been on marvelon for about 3 weeks and I thought I was losing the plot! Have been really anxious, have headaches and nausea. The instructions say nausea should pass, but now I know the anxiety is not my fault, I'm going off this crappy pill! My husband hates condoms but if he ever wants loving from me again that's how it's going to be!

  65. At the age of nearly 40 my GP percribed me marvelon to help with PMT and also recommended it taking back to back to stop periods..... after 11 days of hell, i have turned in to a psyco and ready to kill just about everyone including my poor children. GP said the effects would suppress but I actually am getting worse and it reminds me of the first trimiester. After reading all your posts and realising this is the devil I am going to stop taking the pill immediatly, 1-2 days of PMS is better that the way I am feeling..... I'd be locked up for murder if I carry on!!! thanks for all your help

  66. I just started taking marvelon a week ago and I noticed its like I have my period!? They say spotting is normal but It's like I have cramps too?? is this normal?? shouldn't I be getting my period in at least a month? I started taking it when i was suppost to get it so my doctor said I would basically skip a month?? doesnt seem like it?? do I keep taking it even if I am bleeding?

    1. don't freak out just relax it takes atleast 2 - 3 months to regulate everything. don't panic because things you've read. You can look up ANY birth control and you will find the same thing lol.

  67. I was told to go on it to stop my bleeding. It worked for a week and a half then started so bad for almost 3 weeks I thought I was gonna die. I resentily got off anti depressants so I thought It could be that. But I can barely be around my 3 kids without wanting to be them ( of course I never do). Now I can't even go outside without breaking out in hives from the sun and I love being outside and so do the kids. I've been trying to lose weight and I haven't in a month and it was going well. Think after this package it's time to stop and not go back. Already have tubes tied

  68. well when i was on this pill that they the hospital put me on,with out asking me,to stop making cyst,i ended up blood clots on the lungs.That was in 2002.So from now on when i have any surgery i have to have 7 days worth of needles to thin my blood and take blood thinners for 6 to 8 weeks.Then i go to my doc to get my blood checked to make sure that i am on the right level a blood thinner.This is 2 to 3 times a week.Scared for life.

  69. I'm just starting these pills... but I've done a lot of research before picking a pill myself. Doctors tend to prescribe what is popular like Alesse or Yaz, I have PCOS so through research I chose Marvelon which is also known as Desogen. I hope it works for me. Everyone says it did regulate their periods so that's good. I'm excited :) I'm already depressed anyway and my skin is bad can't get any worse LOL <3

  70. I started taking marvelon about 10 months ago. I googled it today to see if my mood swings were due to this pill. I cried as i read these know that i am not going crazy has come as a huge relief. I am so moody, anxious, frustrated & confused. Knowing that popping that little pill everynight has contributed to my mood swings makes me so angry. I wish i had googled this before i started this pill....I would never have begun. Right now my partner and i are sitting here with a huge sense of relief that we now know where my issues are coming from.Those marvelon packs are now in the bin :)

  71. Wow!!! This has definitely helped me feel sane considering others have gone thru what I'm going thru!!!! I've stopped taking marvelon....for those of you who long before all the mood swings and emotional roller coaster is over?????

  72. ive been taking marvelon for 4 years. i was prescribed it 3 weeks after my daughter was born, then i ended up with postpardum depression. tried 4 differen antidpressants. thought i was cmompletely fucking nuts. i hated my family. and 2 days ago i finally went to talk to the 4th doctor and he put his hands on his head and said OMG its the marvelon stop taking it immediately. Ive been depressed for 4 years, my hair was falling out i gained like 50 lbs, and ive been living in hell...ALL BECAUSE OF i am on the road to recovery FINALLY

    1. OMG that's terrible :/ hopefully you'll get your life back .

  73. I am so relieved to be reading these posts! I have been going mad! Iv been on marvelon for 6-7 months n for the past month iv been feeling horrible! Feeling sick, stomach cramps n tensing, heartburn n throat burn! Loss of appetite, lack of sex drive n worst of all anxiety n worry! I'll come to relax and the overwhelming feeling comes on, I'll feel sick, worried n a horrible feeling in my chest and stomach! I panick and all I want to do is cry! Crying seems to ease it! It's been ruining my life to the point I don't want to be here anymore, I feel like I don't want to make plans or even go out the house anymore! Does this sound like the marvelon pill I'm on? N how long did it take you all to start feeling yourself again when u stopped taking it! Iv been so depressed and I'll it's unreal!! Please help!

  74. Marvelon was a dreadful experience for me! It completely altered my entire outlook on life, I went from being happy and chilled out to a crying, angry, depressed mess, I could only take it for 2 months, almost drove my boyfriend away! Really not worth the side effects! I have had side effects on quite a few different pills but this was by far the worst.

  75. So here I thought I was going to go insane!! My husband thinks im crazy! I have no patience for my kids and I can feel the mood swing coming on! Also I feel like doing nothing....blah!!! Reading all of these posts makes me glad that I am now off of marvelon!!!

  76. I've been on Marvelon for years. I have had no side effects from it. It has helped with my severe menstrual cramps.

  77. wow so glad i found this blog! been depressed and nauseos for months now with no reason! bye bye marvelon!

  78. OMG.. I am wayy too relieved to have found this website. I am 18 years only and have been on the pill since just before I turned 16. I am soo thankful I have been struggling with the side effects of marvelon for the past year and a half, constantly breaking down, screaming at everyone,ruining my close relationships with friends and family and struggling with mood swings all because of a stupid pill. I am incredibly thankful to have such a loving boyfriend of 3 years who has put up with me through my tears, me screaming and fighting with him over the littl-est and everything I have put everyone through. I have become a quiet and lonely person losing almost all of my friends and not knowing what was wrong with me. I thought I was suffering from a severe depression or bi polar dissorder. After breaking down today yet again I realized the pattern and I had searched the side effects of the pill but I was scared to stop taking it. Reading all of these posts has just helped so very much and this will be the last month on this horrible,horrible pill I would not reccommend it and my bestfriend who started it is also facing the same side effects.

  79. I'm coming to the end of my 3 months on Marvelon. I've gone from being a happily married 32 year old to a depressed, stressed, unfriendly, nervous wreck.
    I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. I've treated my husband so poorly and I can't sleep at night because I've convinced myself that something bad is going to happen to my 5 year old daughter.
    I went on the pill to try and control my periods but what has happened to me over the past 3 months is devastating. The funny thing is, is that I’ve only just realised it is the pill that has done this to me.
    This pill has devasting consequences and I would not recommend it to my worst enemy.

  80. Thank goodness I had the sense to google Marvelon.
    I had been on Yaz for a few years to help control my adult acne. It worked for a while but then stopped so my gynocologist switched me to Marvelon to see if it would better control the acne. I have been on it for about 5 weeks now (with a 1 week break for my period) and yes my acne has been a BIT better but I am an emotional wreck. I feel like everyone is mean to me so I spend a lot of time crying or having depressive/suicidal thoughts. Terrible headaches, loss of appetite and loss of interest are also side effects I've been experiencing. I'm switiching back to Yaz ASAP.. Unless someone can recommend something else I could try to control my hormonal adult acne... Alesse? Diane?? Or stick to Yaz???

  81. I'm hoping someone can help me, I started using Marvelon 28 about 2 months ago, I have used Marvelon 21 in the past with no problems at all. With the 28, I missed 2 - 3 pills over the course of the month & then started spotting, The bleeding continued for 23 days (mild to heavier to brownish spotting for the last week) then my husband & I had sex after the spotting stopped & I started bleeding after & the next day. Have a drs appointment in a few days but was wondering if this had anything to do with the pills. Also I don't really feel that sexually aroused or into it anymore. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Gotta admit, I'm a little scared now.

    1. Hi, I had a similar experience to you with marvelon. I think mine is marvelon 21 (there are 21 pills in the packet). I missed 1 pill and started to bleed (or heavy spotting rather) for around 1 week. Then when i finished the 21 tablets i started the next pack as i didnt want to have a break and risk bleeding (i was going on holiday), but it was as if my body knew i had taken 21 days of the hormone and i started bleeding anyway. That bleed continued for the entire time i took the second pack of pills. with about 5 days exception! just reached the end of pack 2 and hey presto....i;m bleeding again, evenm though i contiune to take the pills!

      I was on microganan for about 6 weeks previous to starting marvelon and that played havock with my moods and emotions. In fact i was a complete angry beast! As soon as i stopped taking that one i was like a different person. I am still crying more than usual on marvelon and definitely more hungry, and putting on weight as a results. But i have not experienced anywhere near as bad side effects as alot of the other ladies are describing. Its just the constant bleeding thats getting to me boyfriend doesnt want to come near me....and to be fair, my sex drive is much lower, which could be due to the nasty smelly bleeding that i am experiencing.
      I am just wondering whethere to give it one more month...and see if it settles down, or if to sach birth control off completely and get back to my happy sex mad self!
      hope you can get a solution for your problems soon. I know how annoying the spotting can be...

  82. Thank you sooo much for your comments everyone, I googled marvelon tonight as I started it two and a half months ago and my last two weeks have been living hell literaly......I have been crying for no reason, hating life, felling just down right low thought I was loosing my fucken mind and ive never ever felt this way before. I have been in the worst mood ever and just can't cheer up! I am so grateful for the posts on this website,what a shit arse pill. I have also had shocking miagranes in the last set of my innactive pills . Im so happy to have a answer for my emotional hell lately. I hope that any women that use this pill and have these shocking side effects manage to find these posts too. -nicole

  83. im so glad im not the only one that feels like this i thought it was me ,i have been hell to live with but i cant seem to shift my mood i have never been like this before but could quite easly walk away from life, ive done nothin but cry today and take my mood out on my wonderful man. i am stoppin this pill and goin the doctors, thanku for all the comments above shows that is not just me.

  84. Hi everyone. Good to read these posts to re-affirm my decision to stop Marvalon and go back to the doc to see what drug I'll get from the tombola stall this time. I'd tried Marvalon when I was at uni and first started to see my boyfrend. I didn't stay on it long but 12 years later I couldn't remember why when my gp suggested it, so thought I'd give it a try. Oddly enough around that time I remember I had wanted to quit my degree and found everything so hard. It nearly ended my relationship. 12 years later after a few weeks back on Marvalon I felt unable to cope at work and wanted to find a new job, I was overly stressed out in general and anxious. I was also quick to anger. Basically I realised this was not me. This was a different person and not who I am at all. I am very calm, capable and patient. I enjoy my job. My poor boyfriend has yet again has to experience mental girlfriend.

    I decided to persevere thinking maybe because I realised that my behaviour was incorrect and not how I would be acting I might be able to control and overcome it - like I said I am usually a strong and capable person - but that would be a no. So don't bother going down that route, you'll still behave like a mental person and realise right after why but not feel any better about it.

    The really annoying thing is I feel like a science experiment for my gp. I was taking Dianette for 9 years before someone decided I shouldn't be. I never had a single problem. For me it was fantastic, but apparently it has an increased risk of DVT. Then I was made to change to Yasmin - Severe migraines for nearly 2 years and loads of different migraine tablets to try given by gp's during this time. This is the wonderful care we get by not getting to see the same gp every visit and having no continuity of care nowadays. I was convinced to try Cerazette - a progesterone only pill. Cue super acne breakout and such greasy skin all over I felt disgusting. I also got cramps in my arms and legs and woke up with dead hands and night sweats. I had to look up Carpal tunnel syndrome to make sure I hadn't developed that as it runs in my family - ridiculous. So I ended up experiencing circulatory problems from the pill I was forced to change onto instead!

    If I don't have a pill I suffer from bad acne at age 32 and have awful period pains which make me pass out nearly. I don't want children at the moment but don't feel there are any other suitable contraceptive methods out there for me. I was generously given 6 months of dianette by my gp to clear up my skin before the fantastic Marvalon experiment which I have now decided I will be ending tomorrow. My gp's also keep threatening I can't have a combined pill after I reach 35.

    If you are taking Marvalon and you don't quite feel right - chances are you probably aren't. Go back to the pill pick and mix stall or try something else.

  85. I've been taking Marvelon for 6 moths now and up until lastnight I never connected my ugly side effects to this pill. Severe depression, and terrible anxiety, nightmares, leg cramps, numb limbs, migraines, cluster headaches, crying/ rage fits. This blog helped me realize that it's the pill. So done with it before it ruins my life! I just started my period and ended that pack and I will be throwing out other ones! Thanks everyone!!

    1. I feel exactly the same, I have been on it around the same amount of time and I have had the same effects! This webstie has helped me so much and realised i'm not a monster!!!

  86. so glad I found this site! Oh my god, i thought i was going crazy. I have had bad side effects with Marvelon! Moody, angry, upset, crying for no reason, just generally in a horrible nasty mood! Obviously it's not all the time, but when my mood changes I feel horrible. I'm off this pill now, and would not recommend. It also caused me to have migrains!

  87. Just like most of you i am relieved to have found this site!! I've been taking marvelon for probably around 2 and half years, i'm now 21. Before Marvelon, i was on Dianette from the age of 16 for acne and birth control. I liked Dianette. but like someone else has said i was told that i had to change pill hence why i was put on Marvelon. For ages, i felt fine, even though i do think it made me put on weight, but luckily i'm a dancer and very active so it doesn't bother me too much. The past year or so my moods have been all over the place especially the past few months! I've always just blamed myself, never even wondered if it could be anything to do with my pill. I can get moody, angry, crying and getting so so emotional at the smallest of things. The past few months while i was off for summer from my dancing degree i've just spent wondering why i feel so low and perhaps slightly depressed even though i hate to say that! And wondering where my stronger side and sometimes my calm, content attitude has dissappeared too. I can't be sure that it's my pill causing this, but i am definitely going to the doctors this week to try something else becuase i feel like i'm going crazy!! and i'm pretty sure it drives my boyfriend nuts too! So relieved that i'm not the only person feeling like this!

  88. I have been on a few different BCPs and have now been on Marvelon for about 4 months. It is the ONLY BCP that hasn't caused me to be a moody freak and is the only one that hasn't caused my body to turn on me and make my period last for 3 weeks out of every month. So pretty much it just depends person to person! I personally just LOVE it.

  89. Glad to see a positive comment. I have just been given a prescription for Marvelon. This is to regulate super heavy menstrual periods, clotting, etc. So hopping this will diminish the heavy bleeding (more like hemorrhaging). Try this out because my next alternative is a hysterectomy. I truly hope that I don't get all these awful side effects. I guess everyone reacts differently. Thanks for the positive note.

  90. So glad I'm not just losing my mind.. can't explain the feeling but it made me feel extremely uncomfortable. Don't want to be around ppl, depressing thoughts and really sluggish! I stopped taking it today so really hoping the side effects stop asap!!

  91. I thought I was loosing my mind. For the past month I have been having terrible arguments with my boyfriend and my father. Everything annoys me, I have had no motivation to do anything I have been having psychotic fits over the smallest of things and coincidently i started taking MARVELON a month ago. I am going to the doctors tomorrow to change the pill. Thanks for all the information I found here and thanks for sharing your experiences.

  92. I've had horrid problems with bleeding over the past couple of years and was previously on Mavelon for many years before that but because of getting older I thought i'd try something else. I had the coil fitted and this was great but fell out twice. So now back on Marvelon again after trying celist, which made me real tired all the time and bleeding. The bleeding has stopped but the past couple of months I have felt so depressed and don't want to go to work, or when I'm at work I'm shouting and angry all the time. After reading the posts here the way I am must be down to Marvelon because everything else in my life is amazing, I have also lost my sex drive and this used to be very high earlier this year so how can I change so much it must be the pill.
    I am calling the doctor now!!

  93. I had the moodiness/stress/depression and started taking a vitamin B once a day it helped so much! Did anyone experience dry eye or.mouth?!

  94. I was on marvelon for three months and from the first week I had a nauseous feeling in my stomach so bad I missed a few days of work. Then I just tried to ignore it. 3 months later I find out I have an ulcer. So ladies with lingering nausea and a burning constant stomach pain don't ignore it its not normal. Get checked.

  95. Glad to hear all these comments too. Had a miscarriage couple of months ago, even though we didn't know I was pregnant. Work being so demanding and not wanting a baby at the moment, we decided I go on the pill. The doctors prescribed marvelon straight away. I've been taken it for almost a month now and I can say the only side effect is definitely the mood swings. My partner noticed them before I did because he has never really seen me to moody, depressed or crying. We decided to soldier on until the end of the 3months trial and see what happens. So lucky it didn't ruin my relationship. Will update x

  96. I have been on marvelon for 16 years and never had any side effect whatsoever. in those 16 years, I never had PMS or cramps and the bleeding was minimal. I tried to go off of it for 3 months and edded up with really bad cramps and HEAVY bleeding, so I went back on it and everything returned to normal. So for me, it worked very good. I want kids soon so I will have to get off of it...Everyone has different reaction to medication, you just need to find the one that works best for you.

  97. Was on Marvelon for about 5 years, no side effects, minimal period bleeding, only minor cramping. Then we couldn't get Marvelon, went from one pil to the other, new one every 3 to 4 months (4 different ones) Now Marvelon is back and I'm back in "heaven" thanks, no problems!

  98. Well heres my story, i just startved marvelon 2 days ago, and just last night being day 2! i felt anxiety and depression for no apparent reason. i felt like i wanted to kill myself but obviously it wasn't that storng to the point where id even consider it. but i got to say its pretty bad. I have polysystic ovaries so im forced to take some kind of contraceptive that will make me receive my period. i havent had my period in months!! and im breaking out bad and i wish i was on a contraceptive so i can gain a little more weight in "the right areas" i miss the days where you can take pills and feel 100% normal. im thinking of the nuva ring or to take those shots. anyways all in all MARVELON did not work for me.

  99. I am on Marvelon for IVF treatment. I have been having headaches, heartburn and night sweats. I am a bit bitchy but I can't really blame the pill for that as I can cycle like that anyway. I have to take it until the next period and just trying to hang in so I can stop.

  100. When I first started taking BCP, it was because I had extremely irregular periods, bad acne and small breasts. I was 18 when I started on Yasmin, and I was on it for about 2 years, and it wasn't too bad-- it regulated my periods, cleared my acne, and didn't cause weight gain. I switched to Marvelon when I caught wind of Yasmin's health issues, and was on it for 3 years, stopped pills entirely for about 2 months (to see if my period regulated without it, which it hadn't)because I had gained 30 pounds since starting Marvelon, had severe depression, headaches, sleepiness, lethargy, and a massive dip in sex drive, which Yasmin didn't do. Honestly, if Yasmin didn't have such a health warning against it, I would've stuck to that! After the 2 month no-BC pill break, I went of Ortho Tri-Cycle Lo for about 3 months... and it was GODAWFUL! I was nauseous, and had constant spotting, so I switched back to Marvelon as I was afraid to attempt a new pill again. Marvelon has gained me about 1/2 a cup size, so I'm a "full" B now. So, total, I have been on Marvelon for almost 4 years now, and I HATE IT. I'm planning on switching to Alesse after this pill pack with the hopes of less constant BLOATING, DEPRESSION, LETHARGY, SLEEPINESS, WEIGHT GAIN, MOODINESS, HEADACHES and LACK OF SEX DRIVE that Marvelon brought me. Marvelon was good on a few points: EXTREMELY regulated periods (I new which day, and almost which hour it would start), not *terrible* acne--mostly only the week before and of my period, good for birth control, not too many things (like vits) that I needed to avoid, and breast growth--but at the cost of gaining it elsewhere, too.

  101. I've been taking Marvelon non-stop for at least 3 years. My mother noticed instantly that i was way more irritable then i had ever been prior. For the first year or so I never really noticed a huge change other then my sex drive was slightly lower and I was still more irritable. I would have to say that within the last year up to now I've noticed a huge downward spiral in my moods , If I'm a little off with taking my pill at the same time everyday, its more then likely to make me more irritable, I have huge "pms" break downs. My sex drive is non-existent. I've had break through bleeding, extreme abdominal cramping. And last week my arm from shoulder to wrist had swollen up double its size and the doctors and I were fully convinced it may have been a clot. After doing some research on my own , Ive read that this pill actually has a higher chance of forming blood clots compared to other brands, whether or not thats true I'm not so sure. I'm going to talk to my doctor about switching to a different brand. Can anyone recommend a brand they found to be really good? I'd appreciate it!

  102. I have used Marvelon for best part of 20 Years!!! Only now have I been advised to change pills by my Doctor as I have had slight vision loss in one eye for a few seconds. Marvelon was always good for me. Sure I have gone through bouts of depression, tears, all sorts but who doesn't - not sure if it is down to the pills or not. Tried a few other pills when there was that whole scare thing about Marvelon but they made me feel like crap. So back to Marvelon I went and stayed with it. I admit I am scared about trying a new brand after so many years but I guess at my age you need to rethink what is important. Will let you know how I get on without Marvelon. Good luck with finding your 'good' pills ladies :)

  103. I have been on Marvelon for about 6/7 months. I was previously on Microgynon which gave me terrible skin. Before that i was on Yasmin and put on HUGE amounts of weight. After coming off Yasmin i lost around a stone and a half in literally a few months. I have been extremly happy with the way my skin is whilst on Marvelon but this pill has SERIOUSLY altered my moods. I have gone from being an extremly easy going and happy go lucky person to constantly feeling anxious and cry at nothing. I cant understand any reason for this change in behaviour other than this pill, and after reading this blog i can defnitely say this pill has made a huge difference to my well being. I will definitly look into changing it because this is ridiculous !!

  104. I have been on marvelon for about 10 years and just now am I realizing that my horrendous mood swings, over sensitivity and roller coaster emotions could be caused by this. I never experienced any weight gain and my periods are always very light and last only a couple of days and my skin is almost always clear. however, the moodiness has given me some cause for concern because I tend be a whole lot more sensitive than i should normally be, from crying over small things to taking a joke way too seriously and flipping out at my bf for no reason. I think its time to give my body a break from all the hormones and go off a birth control pill for a while. i have to say that if any other women on marvelon are experiencing these retched mood swings and over emotions and you're only on the pill so you dont get pregnant..get off it!! use condoms!!! it is sooo not worth it to feel this way!

  105. I've been on Marvelon for about 7 months, and it's destroyed my mind. I have never felt depression before, but I definitely know what it's like now! Every day I feel like a hopeless zombie. I have no other side effects, which is why I stupidly keep taking it, but I have decided to come off it tomorrow and go to my doctor to find something else. Before this I was on Yaz, and it was even worse. I kept crying for no reason and had a really fast heart beat and had panic attacks at work. And my breasts hurt badly too. Marvelon was better in comparison, but still hell. Done a lot of research trying to find a better alternative....thinking of trying Alesse.

    So glad other people feel the same. I thought I was going mental.

  106. My daughter was on Marvelon and developed severe headaches and would sleep all the time. She was taken to emergency one night with a head pounding pain. They discovered a blood clot that covered the whole top of her head. The doctor said she would have probably died if not brought in that night. The specialist said it was probably the birth control and told her not to take birth control pills again. She was on warfarin and water pills for over a year but now has to continually moniter her head aches and sleeping to much cause they say it could come back.


  108. i have been disgnosed with polycystic ovaries around 3 weeks ago and my gyno put me on MArvelon, he assured me that it wont cause any severe side effects. im telling you now that im a diff person. i became so depressed and suicidal, cried for no reason for days. had countless fights with my boyfriend over silly things. i also started losing lots of hair and i blamed it on stress but i knew that it could be more than just stress. i never gained weight but i was constantly bloated and had an upset stomach. i would throw up almost twice a day (im a health freak who doesnt drink, smoke or eat junk, im very careful of what i eat and i life a healthy lifestyle)i called my gyno today and explained to him and he asked me to stop taking it. ill be seeing him soon to discuss an alternative solution. im so glad i came across this site cs i thought i was the only one and blamed myself all the time for having problems with my bf, i even excluded myself from my friends and family. i no longer wish to live like this, hope this helps.

  109. I recently within the last 8 to 9 months switched to marvelon because I thought my old BC was making me a psychotic monster but I had also just switched from full time days to straight dull time nights. And for the last 7 to 8 months I have developed a terrible rash on both my back and stomach my doctor said it was from being sick which I hadn't been sick at all and I switched to a naturopath and have cut out gluten and dairy and corn and all its derivatives and have seen an improvement but the rash is still there. Now after reading and doing some research I think that the marvel on is the culprit! I am thinking of switching back to my old BC tricyclin one that I have been on for years and haven't had issues with at all

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  111. Thank god I found this forum. I have been on Marvelon for over 7 years now. And im sitting here rethinking my whole life, I have been acting like a crazy person as long as I can remember and never even thought to put 2 and 2 together. Calling my doctor right now to get an appointment to get this switched. I love my life, I have everything I could of ever possibly wanted, yet still cry myself to sleep and cant get out of bed sometimes, and am just downright miserable, and thats not like me. i also notice that "sugar pill" week I am happy and cheery. This pill is the devil.

  112. I am waiting on Hosp APP for a pelvic scan as periods are terrible, GP wanted to stop my periods till APP came through, she asked me to take Marvelon back to back, so i have no periods, Been on it for nearly 3 weeks, and bearing in mind i am on Citalapram for pre menstral problems as it is. OMG i have turned in2 someone else, all i want to do is sleep, totally drained, mood mega low, boobs killing me, feeling so sorry for myself, consentration is bad, my man doesn't understand, he keeps saying get a grip and give yourself a shake, but i can't, i really feel like i'm not on this planet, thank god i have hosp app 17th oct. Everyone is different, however not for me

  113. I was on Marvelon for 5 months, I am in shock that i even got through the first 2 months!! It was a nightmare!! Worst acne of my life, moody, crying spells, nauseous... i ended up losing 15 pounds on marvelon though! The 3rd, 4th, and 5th month were better but i would feel extremely agitated and still break out with acne randomly... i also had migraines every month. The week when i was on my period was when i truly felt the most normal overall! I decided to switch to the Nuvaring... I have been on the nuvaring for 1 week and am patiently waiting for my body to adjust to the new hormones. Alesse was my first bcp which made my skin beautiful but turned me into a psycho! Birth control is a bitch.

  114. Hi Everyone!
    I have been on Marvelon for roughly 4 years! Only untill I stopped a month ago that I realised this whole time it was the pill was making me the way I was. I had all of the above symptoms, the worst being depression. To the point I ended up in hospital and seeing a psychologist... but nothing was wrong. I had all of a sudden had a huge dark cloud over me but never connected the dots. Always crying about nothing, loved being alone and I had got anxiety about going out anywere. All I did was gym twice a day to exaust my self so I could sleep. As the years have gone on Ive just dealt with it, not as bad depression as I keep active, I have great friends, but I still cry over nothing, get anxiety about going to partys sometimes about, have fights about nothing with my boyfriend. I also noticed no weight gain but was always bloated. I decided to come of the pill because it was becoming irregular and Ive noticed I higher amount of people having to do IVF and thought maybe all the contraceptives we have available to us now and confusing our hormones, so I was giving my body a break. First week off I was really bad but then ever sinceI have been extremly happy and chirpy, i love everyone and everything, I have energy all day!. Had my first period being off it and it only lasted a few days, but no bloating, no cramps, no mood swings. Colleagues at work have noticed, my boyfriend has noticed and friends that I am happier. It only clicked a few days ago it must of been the pill so I did some research. I wish I did this 4 years ago and I dont think Ill ever go back on the pill. It is not worth it.

    Ps. now that i think about it, last time I went for a prescription for my pill my doctor was telling me that in Australia they dont advise marvelon and dont give it out anymore but because I was already on it and I thought it was fine I stayed on it.

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  116. oh my god me too, i cry every day and i am convinced that everybody hates me and that i am the worst person ever. my life seems to be going in a downward spiral.... i cry at everything... i can't handle this.

  117. I just started Apri 21 (another name for Marvelon) 19 days ago. I started to breakthrough bleed two days ago and yesterday started getting aggressive and competitive with my husband. Today is more of the same, the aggression, anxiety, irritability and the finally the crying. I've been aloof and disrespectful to hubby all day. I don't know why. The last time this happened was when I was on the BCP in 2010. And it wasn't that bad, just the arguing. I'm on Apri now to regulate my cycle in preparation for IVF. I hope this ends soon.. or I'll have to ask them to change it.

  118. i've been on it for less than two months. i have no motivation for anything anymore. i feel incredibly low and can't stop crying. the doctor recommended it to me because after trying microgynon and feeling low, apparently marvelon would have less of an effect. well, whoever said that was very, very wrong. i can't be bothered to get out of bed and go to university- I cant see the point in any of it. i keep getting upset with my boyfriend for the most stupid things... i feel so irrational. i have cried about 6 times today. i keep thinking about my life and feeling down, whereas before I was so optimistic and easy-going and happy. my skin is now really bad and i never got spots. I have found it easier to lose weight though, but I am 57kg anyway so its hardly beneficial. STUPID PILL ruining my lifeeeeeeeee why can't they create one for men :(

  119. I'm from trust pills and gain weight so I decided to change pills and choose marvelon I have unprotected sex after taking the first pill And not I'm getting paranoid that I'm pregnant too negative my breast still bigger while I'm on placebo week mood swings light pain in breast is this ok

  120. Wow quite the forum, I however have had the worst allergies since being put on this for premenopause cramps and bleeding. I have rhinitus so bad, my nose is running constantly and apparently is very swollen inside. I did not come across anyone in this forum with this problem but did find it in other blogs. I have cold like syptoms for the whole time I was on this pill. I stopped taking today and hopefully I will clear up in a couple of weeks. I will gladly take the pain for one week over being completely sick, coughing my head off, nose always running, chest congestion, tired and getting no sleep all the time

  121. Diana
    thanks everyone for their helpful posts- i had a laparascopic myomectoy in february to remove a 10*8 march;i was on marvelon to regulate period; 1 & 1/2 week later i was crying uncontrollably;suicidal & bitchy; every little thing makes me snap & go bananas.i started seeing a psycologist once every 3 weeks.but didn't really help.i take xanax 2 to 3 times a day a drink strong tranquility teas twice a day.i thought i was losing my mind-my husband has been super supportive.we breathed a heavy sigh of relieve when i came across this website last night. i'm on my third month & i have a doctors appointment in 2 weeks because they found a cyst in my ovary & i'm having slight bleeding.hopes & pray for the best.

  122. I am two weeks down in my first marvelon pack (and first birth control ever), and ive been really.down, i cannot get up in the morning, or do anything during the day, i do not feel like seeing people but i cry whenevr left alone and feel lonely. I take it at midnight and it seems my moodiness gets worse later in the day, and i cannot fall asleep at night.

    The mood change is the only side effect that i can pin to marvelon so far and my sex life has been amazing, so im really reluctant to drop it. I cannot change pills just now, so the choice for me is either going back to condoms or taking marvelon.

    Is there any chance that the depression will go away if i keep taking the pill, or should i just drop it? Have any of you found a suitable pill after marvelon made you depressed ?

    best of luck with your BC ladies!

  123. I started using Marvelon three weeks ago and before I did, I researched it on google. Just wanted to see if it helps the skin clear up. I also found some negative reviews, but I dismissed them cause I thought I am not going to be the one who will suffer from side-effects of Marvelon. For the last three weeks I have been feeling really tired, like I have all the life sucked out of me. I can barely get out of bed, I am not motivated to do anything, I'm even getting sloppy at work. I kept blaming it on general tiredness, although I realised I wasn't doing anything that would make me so exhausted. I sleep and eat excessively. I feel like I am depressed and anxious, so I started to think that maybe I have an anxiety disorder and that maybe I suffer from depression. But today I remembered reading the side-effects of Marvelon three weeks ago and I thought I'd check them out. And voila - they match my current situation! Side-effects are the same what I'm currently experiencing - especially the tiredness and lack of motivation, and the feeling that I can't get any positive thoughts and my personality has lost its spark. I'm getting off of the pill straight away, I'd rather use more conventional contraception and leave the pill to people who are suitable for it! :)

  124. Hello .. I've been on Marvelon for ±2 months now. I was wondering if anyone experienced pregnancy symptoms while using this pill? My aerolas are getting bigger, my breast are sore and I have abdominal pain? Need I to be worried??

  125. I need help ladies, anyone can give an advice on what I need to do, I do take marvelon regularly but just yesterday (Wednesday) I forgot to take 1 pill so I took a pill awhile ago which is for (Thurdays & Friday) What should I do? Do I need also to take the pill for (Wednesday)? And What am I going to do on the next day since I already take the pill for the next day (Friday)? Please anyone can advice. Thank you.

  126. Hello all,

    I am trying to get pregnant. I have irregular period. A Doc asked me to take Marvelon-21 for 3 cycles .
    I am on my 6th-day of 1st cycle. I feel nausea, dizziness, mood swing, sad, hungry, vomit once. I don't like it. I want to stop taking BC.

    I never on any BC before. I have irregular period cycle.

  127. Hello Good day!!
    I wanna ask when I can use the Marvelon 28 pills. It is my first time to take it and now it is my second day of my period. I just feel confused if I can use it in my period now or after my period??
    Please help me to know the better way.

    Thanks a lot and God bless You!!

  128. I am on mirvala and was wondering if the pill was causing me to be more overly emotional. Especially with alcohol. I'm hoping I'm not the only one!! I thought maybe it was anxiety or something.. Sometimes I'll cry and after think why am I even crying what's wrong with me! I've been on the pill for a long time , about 5 years..but only because I'm not ready to have a child yet. Would this be a legit reason for my crying fits? Even more so when alcohol is mixed?!

  129. I am on mirvala and was wondering if the pill was causing me to be more overly emotional. Especially with alcohol. I'm hoping I'm not the only one!! I thought maybe it was anxiety or something.. Sometimes I'll cry and after think why am I even crying what's wrong with me! I've been on the pill for a long time , about 5 years..but only because I'm not ready to have a child yet. Would this be a legit reason for my crying fits? Even more so when alcohol is mixed?!
