Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's a good day today!

The heartrate has increased to 125 bpm and the crown rump length has increased to over 1 cm, aprox. 11 mm! WEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Yes, folks we have a pregnancy, and definitely NOT a puppy in there.

Total sigh of relief...until a few days before next Tuesday. Sometimes I think I live from ultrasound to ultrasound. Luckily this time I got the chance to find everything out live because Dr.J. had written them a note telling them too. And I insisted on having Mr.Cotta right there with me from the get go. Funny thing about some ultrasound labs in this town, they refuse to let the Dads in for the whole scan, only the ending part, even though Ministry of Health regulations say that women shall be allowed a support person of their choice at every stage of the maternity experience. But not every clinic does, it's almost like they are so desperate to get you alone and control the entire experience, they can't understand why it would be reassuring, or why any woman might need a friend? Hospitals let partners in, as do high risk OBs, and fertility clinics, but not all free-standing US clinics. Weird...anyway, I'm a bit of a pain in the rear that way, as you might have guessed, so I get what I want.

But this was great, and I have a picture, and now I just need to do something celebratory. I know it's only one ultrasound and it's only one little step. Heck, the universe could fall in tomorrow....but for today, I am going to be happy for the good things in life!


  1. Yay! Yay! Tripple Yay!
    Today is indeed a very good day.

    hehehe... Yes, I too live pretty much u/s to u/s. Nothing too weird here.

  2. Oh man. Julia beat me by a few minutes!

    Very exciting!

  3. While puppies are rather adorable, I am much happier to hear that you are having a healthy baby!!

  4. OH HAPPY DAY!!!! I am doing the happy dance for you, Yay! Wohoo!

  5. I knew it! Fantastic aurelia I'm so pleased.

  6. Yeah! I'll have a glass of wine for you tonight.

    Continued good luck.

  7. YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! :)

    SO happy to hear it!

  8. As you should be! As you should be! Congratulations again.

    About the tire iron, thanks for the offer. It may be too tempting.

  9. I'm doing the happy dance for you!!! Yay!!!

  10. Whoptido!!!

    Ride that high...or pace yourself with it...whatever you see fit.

  11. FANTASTIC!! Congratulations! I have someone with whom I can swap pregnancy stories!!!

  12. Great news - I'm just sorry they had to have you worried the whole week... I guess that's one way in which not knowing the heartrate means you're better off (as I mentioned before, they never tell you the heartrate until you're about 6 months pregnant here).

  13. Woo-hoo, great news!
    I am happy for you dear...

  14. Excellent. Good today is all the assurance you ever really get, so I'm glad you're able to be happy with it.


  15. Great news Aurelia. Very happy for you.

  16. Congrats, that is wonderful news!!!

  17. Hooray! Yipee!

    125 is really great news!

  18. I found your blog through "Certainly not cool enough to blog" and wanted to offer my CONGRATULATIONS! (And I think it's ridiculous that Mr. Cotty (or any hubby/partner/etc) be allowed in for an ultrasound or any other part of the maternity process)!

  19. I'm so glad to hear that! Yay for the little bean!

  20. So happy to hear this. And extra happy to hear that it's not a puppy in there.


  21. Yay! I'm so glad for you! And it sounds like a good idea to be a pain in the butt sometimes.

  22. WHOOOPEEE!!!! That's great news!!!

    Thanks for giving me a great reason to put on a smile today!

  23. I am so happy to read this post. Here is to good news!!!

  24. YEAH!!!!

    And can you PLEASE tell me how you convinced them to let Mr. Cotta in? I need to master that skill!

  25. And hey, you could celebrate by checking out that stroller with me!

  26. Fantastic news! Congratulations in a big way, AC.

  27. So glad to hear your good news!

  28. Thank god. I was thinking about you all week.
