Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I won't hold you in suspense. My nuchal test went just fine this morning. At 12 weeks, 2 days, we are measuring perfectly.

CRL: 65 mm
BPD: 19mm
NT: 1.3 mm

The maximum they like to see at this crown rump length and gestational age is 2.7 mm, at least according to my sneak peeking at the giant book filled with tables of measurements in the genetics department. I looked up my age, gestation, etc. etc. and then took out my camera phone and started snapping away at all the pertinent numbers. (Had to remember them somehow, right?)

The blood tests are coming, but at this point, they are less relevant than the nuchal. Truthfully, the PAPP-A and the beta hcg tell you a lot more about the placenta's condition than the chromosomes. Same for the 15 week bloods which are considered useless for chromosomes by Dr. Genetics, who I saw yesterday at BAMH - (Big Ass Mean Hospital). He really is a kind and lovely person, so odd he works there, then again his department used to be located in City Name hospital and got merged during the Mike Harris years. He's been underfunded and overworked ever since, because stupid BAMH wanted the quality & prestige of the program, but really hates properly funding the lab or the docs. (Sigh, the two ARE related....)

So we are doing loads of blood tests for my placenta, and in 2 weeks I'm getting a special anatomical scan they do at 14 weeks using the dildocam so that we can get a better look at everything. They did scan a few things today, and there was lots of movement!!!! Good tone, good flexion, all the lovely bits located in the right place. We saw five little toes on one foot, the other was kicking to much to count. The brain had ventricles, nicely separated, filling out all the space right, no fluid. (I'm paranoid about this, due to our past experience with hydrocephalus in Matthew. ) Face, nose, mouth, lots of things to see and they all looked good. We can't see everything perfectly yet like at an 18 week US, but the clarity was pretty kick ass, FWIW.

Soooo, Dr.Genetics was awesomely reassuring yesterday. He says that although my risk was much higher years ago, at this age, and with the heartrate and growth of the baby so far I'm simply comparable to my 39 year old peers. (See there IS a point to getting all those early ultrasounds. Now we have cumulative evidence we can use to calculate my risk. And I like the reassurance of knowing my risks are getting lower, thanks!) He thinks the real risk is to my placenta, and we had several animated discussions about whether my gene (PAI-1 4G/4G) has a proven correlation to placental problems. Although the evidence isn't as definitive as he would like, he does agree that there are lots of studies on it that are very convincing.

My amnio is likely set for Dec. 20th, and if I get a FISH test I'll know for Christmas, one way or another, all the answers I'm seeking.

Anyway, enough for now. I promised a friend I'd visit her, and I need to get my butt in gear!


  1. So glad everything went well. I love hearing about all the littel toes... :-)

  2. Oh, I'm so happy Dr. Genetics had reassuring news for you.

    I know it probably feels like seventeen months since you peed on the stick, but hopefully this news will help you hang tough until the amnio.

  3. Excellent news. Glad all is looking so good now, and that you have such watchful medical care.
    Have a good visit with your friend.

  4. Everything sounds wonderful. Nice to hear such good results.

  5. yay! sounds good! fingers crossed for Dec 20

  6. Excellent news!! I'll keep praying for you!

  7. Oh yay. this is such wonderful news for now! The tests, the doc, everything. I am so full of hope!

  8. It is truly amazing how the technology goes galloping forward, even in the relatively-brief span of 9.5 yrs since I have gestated!
    I'm very happy for you my dear.

  9. Glad to see the scan came out well. I can't believe you're at 12 wks already (I'm sure you think it's been much longer).

  10. GO DINKYPIE!!!!!
    That NT is wicked. One less thing to worry about.
    Katie's was also 1.3 and she is perfectly brilliant, arrived ten days early with a delivery that had me at the hospital only three hours before she was born.
    I am wishing you all that and more.

  11. Great news, Aurelia!

  12. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!

    That is such wonderful news. It sounds like you are hooked up with all the right people. Great!

  13. Oh honey, thank you!!! Just so you know, which you probably already do, but Fish results won't give you all the results, but will give you enough results, the rest you have to wait for.

  14. Oh that is excellent so far! Really, really happy to read this :) XXXXXXXXXXXXx

  15. Whoohoo, my friend. Congrats on the good numbers.

  16. So happy to hear you got good news! Ride it as long as you can :-)

  17. Great good news. Continued wonderful luck to you.

  18. Aurelia, that's fabulous news! I'm so happy that all is looking great!

  19. This is fantastic news!! I am so, so hopeful for you!!

  20. Huge sigh of relief. That is fantastic, fantastic news.
