Friday, February 23, 2007

Distracting myself again

So, I'm not going to worry about whether or not things went well yesterday. I can't...I can't control any of that really. I have a long list of things to get done around the house and work on and hopefully focusing on that will help me worry less.

Aaaaanyway, because my real name might be mentioned in the article at some point, (they might go with my story or another woman's, they haven't decided yet) I can't link to it here, but if any of you would like to read it, make sure you email me at aurelia dot cotta at gmail dot com with your own email addy, or have one on your blog or something. (Yes, some of you may have to delurk...I promise I don't bite, no matter how nutty I sound here at No Matter How Small. Hmmm, maybe I should rename this place No Matter How Nutty. Whaddayathink?)

Which reminds me, how come some people don't have an email on their blogs? Not your real one, just a gmail or hotmail one? Makes life easier people....especially when something like this comes up!

Also, weird thing I noticed....a couple of people have switched to Beta Blogger and their feed disappeared and then was deleted from my bloglines because of it. I found them again and resubscribed, but you might want to check your lists. AJW5403 at My Pain I Hide was the blog that tipped me off. If you read her, make sure to resubscribe to her blog.

Off to buy groceries and venture into the freezing cold, my peeps. Have a good weekend!


  1. me! me! me! (I think you have my email)

    And I've been having the same issues with Bloglines. It seems I'm missing My Pain I Hide as well. Off to add it back...

  2. I'd love to read the article! I'll send along my email. It's on my blog, but I'll send it too just so you don't have to go looking for it. I'm sure you did a great job--you are a smart lady and your intentions are in the right place, so I don't see how it could go wrong. Good for you for doing it!

  3. I better be getting a link or a copy of that article, or I will hunt you down! Lots of love my friend. Don't make me come up there!

  4. Yes, please email the link to me too! Very brave of you to participate in the story, and I'm sure it will help a lot of people feel not so alone.

  5. I have a copy of this medical research report called the post adoptive reactions of the relinquishing mother done in 1999. if you want a copy i can send it to you. it is really the only research ive come across that details the aftermath of losing a baby. it confirmed my suspiscions, because after losing one baby to adoption, ive never been able to have more. i think my womb feels the sadness somehow.

  6. I'd also love to read the article. I'm at clare_fs (at)

  7. Me too.

    But isn't that the trick, not to waste time on mistakes and/or missed opportunities, just forge ahead? When you know how to do that without a blink of the eye, please let me know.

  8. I know I'm local - and therefore a threat :) - but I'd love to read te article.

  9. I would love to read the article. You can e-mail me at

  10. Is this the same article that I've also been interviewed for?
