Sunday, May 25, 2008

Baby is here

My placenta suddenly abrupted right when the pain broke through the epidural.

They replaced the epidural catheter in my back and my pain did not decrease very much. They gave me fentanyl and it made me very dopey and then I passed out? Then the baby's heartrate dropped rather suddenly and would not go back up. They did a quick ultrasound right there in the OR and realized my placenta was toast and I was bleeding to death.

So I just had an emergency c-section that was done in under 5 minutes flat.

He's in the NICU overnight and I'm in recovery.

We almost died---both of us, but we didn't. We are alive because we happened to be at the hospital getting induced.

This is terrible and awful but really right now I feel like I have horseshoes up my ass.

I have a live baby. He didn't die. And neither did I.

More later.


  1. Wow-- what a story. Not for the faint at heart.
    Hopes for a quick and easy healing of the c-section, and for a very short NICU stay and glorious baby snuggles.
    Congratulations again!
    I have been refreshing and it has paid off. :)

  2. Congratulations!

    Sounds like things got pretty scary there for a little bit, but I'm glad to know you both made it through. I can't wait to read the full story. (Hope the horseshoe feeling clears up soon!)

    Such wonderful, glorious news. I am praying for a speedy recovery for you and your little one.
    I know what you meant about horseshoes, I hope they stay there (although my Mother would say, not lucky, BLESSED)

  4. I'm sorry for the difficult and scary delivery, but congratulations on the baby! I hope for a easy recovery for both of you.

  5. I'm so glad you're both okay. Congratulations.

  6. Forgive me for gulping through tears and muttering numerous "Oh shit"s. So relieved, and happy, and horseshoes up the ass indeed.

    Speedy recoveries for the both of you.

  7. oh wow oh wow oh wow. What a complete blessing that you were already there.

    Here's to a speedy recovery and happy baby snuggles in a few hours.

    Get some rest and quit checking the blog, rest is important now.

  8. congratulations to both of you!
    sorry it happened the way it did, but thank god you and your bundle are both ok.
    rest well and take care.

  9. YES!!!! Congratulations - but very scary!! I am so glad you are both okay!

  10. Congratulations! I am so glad you are both OK. I don't even know you, and I was worried! Please keep us posted on how things are going.

  11. What Antigone said. And yikes, and phew.

  12. Congratulations - so glad you're both ok....


  13. While I'm sure this isn't the way you were hoping he would come, he has and I am so happy you are both well. So sorry for your scare, but all the best to you, Baby Cotta, and family.

  14. I am so glad you are OK, but boy, this was not the smooth ending I'd hoped you'd have.

    Congratulations on the birth of your son!!!

  15. Many congratulations, Aurelia, and, oh my god, what a birth story. NOT what you wanted, but you're both here, which is the important thing. Rest up, recover and enjoy your gorgeous baby!

  16. Wow - thank God you and Dinkypie are okay! Not the L&D you were hoping for, but at least you have the end result of a healthy happy baby...and a healthy happy Mama, too!


  17. Oh, oh. I am so glad you are both alive. I hope Dinky Pie will be out of the NICU soon and with you. I hope your recovery will be as quick and complete as possible. Much much love to you.

  18. Glad to see you're both okay. A speedy recovery to you and a short NICU stay for DP would be great. Congratulations!!

  19. I am sitting here with tears of joy that you are both okay. Congradulations!

  20. I'm so glad your both okay.

  21. So glad you were in the hospital & they were able to act quickly. Congratulations, & best wishes for a speedy recovery for you both!

  22. Oh thank goodness. And congratulations!

  23. Yes, I cried a little. Congrats! Sorry for what must have been awful but thank God you're both okay. Can't wait to hear more when you are up to it.
    Rest and kiss that baby for us too.

  24. wow- congratu;ations, I am so glad that you and baby are alive

  25. I'm glad you were in the right place at the right time.
    Thank g-d, if you will.

  26. Thank God you are both all right. I'm so glad.

  27. Also I am sitting here crying and so grateful that you are both healthy.

  28. I'm so sorry you had such a scare but I am so happy he's here! CONGRATS!! I hope you both recover quickly.

  29. Yes, so happy that you are both here. Horseshoes up the ass are always a good thing.

  30. Wow! Congratulations! It's so good to know both of you are ok.

  31. So glad you got your happy ending. Your experience sounds absolutely scary and awful and painful but the live baby must trump all of it! CONGRATULATIONS! I wish you both speedy recoveries.

  32. Maybe not the most politically correct response...but...Holy Shit!



    But really...holy shit!

  33. Ficking hell, you don't do things by halves do you!

    CONGRATS my lovely. Picture PLEASE (when your recovered obviously)!


  34. Oh wow. I'm sorry everything didn't go smoothly - but DELIGHTED to hear you are all okay. Congratulations on the birth of your son!

  35. I am so glad to know that you and baby are okay! Wishing you a speedy recovery, lots of rest, and many snuggles with that baby!

  36. Placenta abruptions fucking suck. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Congratulations on surviving, both of you. :)

  37. I came here via Jenny F Scientist. Congratulations! I'm so happy that you're both (relatively) ok!

  38. Also here via Jenny F Scientist. That is one scary birth, SOOO glad everything ended ok. Hope you have a speedy recovery, and congratulations on your baby!

  39. Wow - soo glad you're both ok.

    ...and many congrats!!

  40. I'm so glad you're both okay.
    And congratulations, of course!

  41. Congrats!!!!

  42. Wow....... what drama!
    Congrats... can't wait for pictures and more happy news!

  43. Suddenly at 4pm I am sitting here thinking about you and in tears, of intense relief, happiness, and delayed trauma. Thank goodness, and whatever else you are both ok. You're not just a "blogger" to me - I can't imagine and don't even want to think about how much poorer the world would be without you. Many many hugs to you and now I'm just dying to figure out a way to get up there to give you some in person.

  44. Congratulations!!! I kept my fingers crossed your entire pregnancy!

  45. Oh thank god you are ok and so is your baby!

    I'm so effing happy for you!!!

  46. Thank god you are both ok. Congrats on the arrival of your son! I hope you are both doing ok today.

  47. Delurking to send you my congratulations as well. Sorry to hear about the severe derailment of your labour but so glad to know that you are both OK. Best wishes all round.

  48. a BIG congrats to you!

    you were definitely in the right place at the right time! i hope that you both get to go home soon!

  49. Thank god you both came out alive.

    Scary how things went askew...I'm so glad you're both okay! Happy birthday to your new little baby, and I can't wait to here more.

  50. Congratulations! At long last! Sorry to hear of the complications, but pleased that you are both doing well considering.

    Please post soon to let us know how the two of you are getting on.

  51. You keep us on our toes every step of the way, my friend. Congratulations!!! I am so thrilled you both made it. Thinking of you.

  52. Congratulations! So very very glad it turned out well. Sounds like quite a ride. Rest up now.


  53. Congratulations on your new little one! How exciting! Feel better soon... xxx

  54. I'm so glad you were in the hospital when you abrupted, and so, so glad you and Dinkypie are alive and here to tell the tale.

    Never a dull-normal moment, huh?

  55. Oh my goodness. I'm so relieved to hear that you're both okay! Congratulations.

  56. I'm glad you are all well. Hope the baby's stay in the NICU is as short as possible.

  57. De-lurking to say congrats and best wishes for a smooth recovery!

  58. It sounds painful (in more ways than one) and absolutely terrifying, but I'm just over the moon to hear that you and the baby are both alive and well. Looking forward to your updates.

  59. Wow sorry for the scary moment but congrats to you. So happy to hear that you and baby are doing well.

  60. holy crap, Aurelia. huge sigh of relief and a shudder at those almosts.

    but you are both here, both here, thank all the gods. phew.

  61. Many congratulations.

  62. Congratulations!

    And, hopefully, both of you will have a very speedy recovery. (My family has a history of hemorrhage. It is why I am somewhat tempted to tell them that I will be doing a scheduled C-Section to minimize that danger.)

  63. sweet jesus, congratulations. so very, very wonderfully good. a speedy recovery to you.... and love to you and yours, from this infrequent commenter/frequent reader...

  64. Aurelia,

    Thank goodness you WERE in the hospital. Thank goodness you are both OK, thank goodness BABY IS HERE ALIVE! Congratulations sweet heart.

  65. Whew, OMG, congratulations and thank God everybody is okay! Welcome, Dinkypie!

  66. Congratulations to you and a big welcome to the little boy! Scary delivery, but good result.

    Big sigh of relief.

  67. Wow, how frightening. Glad you are both doing ok and hope the healing time isn't too rough.

  68. Wow. Thank G*d you and the BB are okay.

  69. So frac me for being a lousy blog buddy. I just now checked my reader to find out you've been a new mom for oh, a month or so! Congratulations to you and Mr. Cotta and the fam!
